Our commitment to our customers has always been to provide the highest quality products at fair prices. Our products are never over engineered to justify higher investments, we believe in supplying reliable products like that easy to use day in and day out.
Part of the Paxiom Group, the Sleek, Breezy and ValTara brands are manufactured in Italy, a global center of automated packaging machinery technology. Visit any of our Xperience Centers to see, test and operate any of our packaging machines in person.
From flow packing cookies to wrapping soap bars or filling liquid into containers and capping, labeling or induction sealing, we offer a wide range of packaging machines that can be used as stand alone products or integrated within any turnkey system.
Our portfolio includes:
- Sleek 40 compact and affordable automatic flow wrapping machine
- Sleek 45 high speed horizontal flow pack machine
- Sleek 65 flow wrapper for large packages
- Sleek Inverted for fresh produce, difficult to move products and kits
- The Breezy Bagger our most versatile packaging for manual loading
- ValTara automatic container labeling machine
- ValTara automatic capping machine
- ValTara mono-block liquid filler with eye drop cap
- ValTara induction sealer for container caps